What is a Security? A Look into the SEC Charges

The SEC has recently charged Coinbase with unlawfully exchanging crypto asset securities. The SEC alleges that Coinbase’s integration of four functions – listing, exchange, clearing, and settlement – violates conflict of interest rules. How stocks are traded: First, let’s look at how these 4 functions work with stocks and compare coinbase to the Nasdaq or…… Continue reading What is a Security? A Look into the SEC Charges

Recommender Systems III

General Where we focus User-Item RecommendationItem-Item RecommendationContent based recommendationCollaborative Filtering Recall: Notes on Item-Item Recommendations recommendation based on last item:“If you are interested in this, you probably also like …”doesn’t need a user modelItem model needed→ How to model similarities between items? Recall: Collaborative Filter … … …. Content based Recommendation we have more information…… Continue reading Recommender Systems III

Feature Extraction and Deep Learning

Feature Extraction Recall Supervised Classification the chosen vector space representation aligns the chosen model and how we make a classificationearlier, we took pixel by pixel and write it in the vector space Problem: If we took a slightly other camera angle, there is still a coffee mug, but it’s a whole different point in the…… Continue reading Feature Extraction and Deep Learning

SVMs, Model Selection und Outlier Detection

Non-linear Models II Support Vector Machines Summary: work with small data setsfor classification and regressiongives us the “one” best solutionnon-linear → many possibilitiescan be computing intensive with many classes, large data sets Basic model Linear classificationSupport only two classes {-1, 1}Parametrization:wx – b = 0(w is orthogonal to the line) New optimization problem: “Max Margin”…… Continue reading SVMs, Model Selection und Outlier Detection

Linear and Non-Linear ML Models

Linear Models Recall Classification: → there are other possibilities than Gaussian, e.g. geometrically Parameterization e.g. straight line (linear, 2D) How to find the Parameters? → we “draw” a line between the examples → many optimization methods to get better parameters Minimize the error (the Loss function L): Loss function has to be differential logistic function: Values…… Continue reading Linear and Non-Linear ML Models

Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning We are here: Basic Definitions an Terminology: Basic Types of ML Algorithms: Supervised LearningLabeled dataDirect and quantitative evaluationmore present, but has limitsUnsupervised LearningLearn models from “ground truth” examplesPredict unseen examplesalgorithm that we want, but difficult to realizeReinforcement Learningnot that important for us, more present in robotics Supervised Learning: General: Classification Example:…… Continue reading Machine Learning

Basic Statistics and Data Wrangling

Revision of Basic Statistics Types of Data Continuous Data→ Data that can take any value in an intervall (also float, numeric, interval data)Discrete Data→ Data that can take only integer values (also integer, count)→ is our most used data typeCategorial Data→ Data that can take only predefined values representing a set of categories (also enums,…… Continue reading Basic Statistics and Data Wrangling

Recommender Systems

Intro Recommender Systems Definition: make product/service recommendations to people. Recommender systems want to identify items that are more relevant, so people consume more omnipresent in every big online store, streaming platformAmazon Example: “Customers who liked this, also liked….” In Practice: large systemsdifficult to buildexpensive to maintain Key problems: need to be fastprocess huge amount of data“good” recommendations…… Continue reading Recommender Systems

Notes from my Data Science Lectures

The key purpose of data science is to get benefits from data, for example to predict future outcomes. I think it’s a fascinating topic, because it combines several subjects like statistics and computer science. Originally, I got introduced to machine learning (subfield of Data Science) by Santiago. His machine learning course gave me a general…… Continue reading Notes from my Data Science Lectures

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Between Recession and Inflation | Macroeconomic view

Current macroeconomic trends are fascinating to watch, but scary at the same time. Over the next months, many different outcomes are possible, depending on how current issues like the Ukraine war and the rising inflation play out. Note: This is just my personal view. My knowledge about macroeconomics comes from random YouTube videos and Tweets.…… Continue reading Between Recession and Inflation | Macroeconomic view