What is a Security? A Look into the SEC Charges

The SEC has recently charged Coinbase with unlawfully exchanging crypto asset securities. The SEC alleges that Coinbase’s integration of four functions – listing, exchange, clearing, and settlement – violates conflict of interest rules. How stocks are traded: First, let’s look at how these 4 functions work with stocks and compare coinbase to the Nasdaq or…… Continue reading What is a Security? A Look into the SEC Charges

Notes from my Data Science Lectures

The key purpose of data science is to get benefits from data, for example to predict future outcomes. I think it’s a fascinating topic, because it combines several subjects like statistics and computer science. Originally, I got introduced to machine learning (subfield of Data Science) by Santiago. His machine learning course gave me a general…… Continue reading Notes from my Data Science Lectures

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Between Recession and Inflation | Macroeconomic view

Current macroeconomic trends are fascinating to watch, but scary at the same time. Over the next months, many different outcomes are possible, depending on how current issues like the Ukraine war and the rising inflation play out. Note: This is just my personal view. My knowledge about macroeconomics comes from random YouTube videos and Tweets.…… Continue reading Between Recession and Inflation | Macroeconomic view

Exploring DeFi

Crypto has a lot of different use cases, for example NFTs, GameFi, Memes or DeFi. This article is a brief overview of DeFi.  DeFi is short for decentralized finance, where financial products become available on a public decentralized blockchain network. It aims to use technology to remove intermediaries between parties in a financial service. Points…… Continue reading Exploring DeFi

How Bitcoin Works (Advanced)

This is the second part of my deep dive into the technology behind Bitcoin. It’s too much to put it into one page, so I split it up into different chapters. Before going into these chapters, you should read the first part. You can find the basics on “How Bitcoin works” here.

How Bitcoin Works (Basics)

In this series, I’m going to explore how Bitcoin works. Focusing on the technical point of view, I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible. If you’re interested in a political/economical perspective, I highly recommend “The Bitcoin Standard” from Saifedan Ammous. In the first part, I’m trying to give an overview about Bitcoin. It’s…… Continue reading How Bitcoin Works (Basics)

The Billion User Table

In computer science, Moore’s Law dictates that the cost-effectiveness of circuits doubles every two years. While its corollary, Bell’s Law, states that every ten years, a huge drop in the price of processing power causes the development of a brand new computer architecture. It happened when the PC replaced the huge mainframes of IBM in…… Continue reading The Billion User Table

Review: Voluntary Governments

This writeup is a response to John Palmer ‘Digital Nation States and Digital Political Parties’. He describes how new technologies like Crypto and VR can possibly change the way governments operate.  Politics vs. Business John points out that the current way of how the (American) government works is exceedingly slow. The System simply doesn’t allow…… Continue reading Review: Voluntary Governments