Notes from my Data Science Lectures

The key purpose of data science is to get benefits from data, for example to predict future outcomes. I think it’s a fascinating topic, because it combines several subjects like statistics and computer science.

Originally, I got introduced to machine learning (subfield of Data Science) by Santiago. His machine learning course gave me a general overview about the topic. I couldn’t find the course anymore, but I wrote a review about his course here. I also highly recommend his twitter account. Besides the incredible insights, Santiago delivers the common approach on “how to think like a Data Scientist” perfectly.

Afterwards, I decided to take a Data Science course in college. Here are my notes from the lectures:

Recommender Systems

Intro Recommender Systems Definition: make product/service recommendations to people. Recommender systems want to identify items that are…

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Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning We are here: Basic Definitions an Terminology: Basic Types of ML…

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Recommender Systems III

General Where we focus User-Item RecommendationItem-Item RecommendationContent based recommendationCollaborative Filtering Recall: Notes on Item-Item Recommendations…

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