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ψLinear Algebra and Quantum Mechanics

During my bachelors in mechanical engineering, I had a lot of math lectures. But I didn’t need to “update” the views I had about basic mathematical terms. I mostly continued...

What is a Security? A Look into the SEC Charges

The SEC has recently charged Coinbase with unlawfully exchanging crypto asset securities. The SEC alleges that Coinbase’s integration of four functions – listing, exchange, clearing, and settlement – violates conflict...

SVMs, Model Selection und Outlier Detection

Non-linear Models II Support Vector Machines Summary: work with small data sets for classification and regression gives us the “one” best solution non-linear → many possibilities can be computing intensive...

Recommender Systems III

General Where we focus User-Item Recommendation Item-Item Recommendation Content based recommendation Collaborative Filtering Recall: Notes on Item-Item Recommendations recommendation based on last item: “If you are interested in this, you...

Feature Extraction and Deep Learning

Feature Extraction Recall Supervised Classification the chosen vector space representation aligns the chosen model and how we make a classification earlier, we took pixel by pixel and write it in...

Recommender Systems

Intro Recommender Systems Definition: make product/service recommendations to people. Recommender systems want to identify items that are more relevant, so people consume more omnipresent in every big online store, streaming...

Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning We are here: Basic Definitions an Terminology: Basic Types of ML Algorithms: Supervised Learning Labeled data Direct and quantitative evaluation more present, but has limits Unsupervised...

Linear and Non-Linear ML Models

Linear Models Recall Classification: → there are other possibilities than Gaussian, e.g. geometrically Parameterization e.g. straight line (linear, 2D) How to find the Parameters? → we “draw” a line between...

Basic Statistics and Data Wrangling

Revision of Basic Statistics Types of Data Continuous Data→ Data that can take any value in an intervall (also float, numeric, interval data) Discrete Data→ Data that can take only...

Between Recession and Inflation | Macroeconomic view

Current macroeconomic trends are fascinating to watch, but scary at the same time. Over the next months, many different outcomes are possible, depending on how current issues like the Ukraine...

How Bitcoin Works (Basics)

In this series, I’m going to explore how Bitcoin works. Focusing on the technical point of view, I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible. If you’re interested in...

The Billion User Table

In computer science, Moore’s Law dictates that the cost-effectiveness of circuits doubles every two years. While its corollary, Bell’s Law, states that every ten years, a huge drop in the...

Review: Voluntary Governments

This writeup is a response to John Palmer’s ‘Digital Nation States and Digital Political Parties’. He describes how new technologies like Crypto and VR can possibly change the way governments...