Linear Models

Recall Classification:

Classification Recall

→ there are other possibilities than Gaussian, e.g. geometrically


e.g. straight line (linear, 2D)

Straight Line Parameterization
Linear Parameterization

How to find the Parameters?

→ we “draw” a line between the examples

→ many optimization methods to get better parameters

Minimize the error (the Loss function L):

  • Loss function has to be differential
Loss Function
  • logistic function: Values between 0 and 1 (pseudo probability)

two parameters, many possible solutions

→ solution in vector spaces

Vector Space Solution
  • each point is a possible solution
  • we can compute the gradient at each point, the direction of the gradient to the parameters with minimal errors

Gradient Descent ALgorithm

Gradient Descent Algorithm

Lamda (Step 3) is the step size or learning rate, usually quite small scalar like 0.001

  • with a higher step size, we get a faster solution, but may be less accurate

! pay attention if the algorithm is convex, otherwise a local minima could be calculated!

How long to repeat?

Different possibilities:

  • pre set number of iterations
  • loss limit
  • loss not changing
Gradient Descent Iterations


  1. Parameterization
  2. Define Loss function
  3. Optimize Parameters until satisfaction

Multi class problems

→ one vector per class, summarized to matrix

Multi-class Matrix

Optimization problem is almost the same:

Multi-class Optimization

Change Loss to SOFTMAX function to normalize sum aver all probabilities to one:

Softmax Function

Use “one-hot” coding of y

  • instead of giving a single probability, give a probability for each class
  • Loss function returns now a vector

Different possibilities:

  • one non-linear, complex function
  • multiple linear functions (ensemble learning)

Ensemble Learning (Random Forests)

  • many weak models decide together (by voting)
  • Easy to implement and to parallelize
  • Does not tend to overfit
  • Build in Feature-Selection→ doesn’t only show us what is chased, but also why

Decision Trees

  • base classifier for Random Forests
  • normally, decision trees aren’t good, because they tend to simply memorize decisions→ recombination from different forests
Decision Trees
  • we need a splitting function that will produce (almost) pure class labels

Top Down Training:

Assume k classes and data of dimension d

Fill tree with ALL training samples from the root down In each node: compute probability for all class labels in node n

Node Training

Compute node purity based on class probabilities

Node purity: How clear is the node if it would be the last one

Split node along one dimension such that purity of children is increasing (optimization)

Entropy (a way to measure impurity):

Entropy Formula

Gini index:

Gini Index

Split optimization (Simple Line search) examples

But we train multiple trees with the same data, how to avoid memorization?

we get randomness from:

  • we select random variables→ trees are not the same
  • Bootstrapping data→ not every tree gets the same data


not every prediction is discrete (Class X, Class Y, …)

→ some are continuous (like costs in a taxi)

→ fitting function instead of separation function

Regression Fitting

You can still use the same framework:

Regression Framework

Simply need new loss function in the optimization

Regression Loss Function


  • least square error:
Least Square Error
  • many other measures possible, e.g. L1 (Histogram intersection)

Regression with Random Forests:

Regression with Random Forests

we need a new splitting function (we don’t have purity)

→ goal: reduce “data spread” in node

→ use simple statistical measure like “mean square error”

Non-linear models I

Need for non-linear models

Linear models are very limited, for example the “X-Or” Problem

X-Or Problem

How to add non-linearity?

Three canonical ways:

  • extracting non-linear features (already learned)
Non-linear Features
  • use ensembles of linear models (like random forest)
Ensembles of Linear Models
  • use non-linear functions → e.g. a polynom (Polynom Classifier)→ we can parameterize the polynomial degree and the parameters before the variables
Polynomial Classifier

Add non-linearity to our simple classifier

Step 1: add a simple element-wise non-linear mapping

Element-wise Non-linear Mapping

the non-linear mapping can be anything which can be done to every element, like square, root, …

What are good choices for these functions?

  • Properties
    • between 0 and 1 → pseudo probability interpretation
    • stable range of output → gradient optimization
  • Common choices
    • Sigmoid function
    • Tanh

Step 2: concatenate several of these operations

Concatenating Operations

→ we combine several transformations:

X → Matrix/Vector Mult operation → Element wise non-linear operation → Matrix/Vector Mult operation ……… → f (x)

Note: if the W is large enough, we theoretical need only two concatenations to approximate any smooth function

Then we need a Loss-function

problem didn’t change

→ same approach as in the linear case

Loss Function for Non-linear Classifier
  • the parameters are set in W (Matrix/Vector Mult operation)
  • non-linear operations are preset, they don’t have to change

→ optimization problem is the same as by linear

Problem: Overfitting

prevent already during optimization problem

→ adding regularization to the Loss function

L2 regularization:

L2 Regularization
  • all parameters to be learned in square
  • Lambda (Scalar hyper parameter) sets how strong complexity is “punished”

L1 regularization:

L1 Regularization

→ Regularization will punish higher parameter values

→ smoother model

→ training errors allowed

Neuronal Networks

Neuronal Networks
  • inputs from other neurons
  • every input has a (learnable) weight→ the more the input is activated, the stronger is the connection
  • weighted sum is a neuron with sums up all incoming signals with their weights and gives it to a non-linear function which decides if the sum is big enough to “fire” (signalling)→ if yes, signal goes to the other neurons

Comparison to our previous non-linear model

Comparison to Non-linear Model
  • Inputs are our X
  • Input = 1 is our constant offset (our b in Wx + b)

Connect multiple neurons

A simple Neuronal Network:

Simple Neuronal Network
  • our w turns into W

A deeper (fully connected) Neuronal Network

Deeper Neuronal Network
  • multiple Layers (5 Layers in this example)
  • “fully connected” means all outputs of a layer are connected to all coming layers

Code Exercises

(Link to Github)
