
Where we focus

  • User-Item Recommendation
  • Item-Item Recommendation
    • Content based recommendation
    • Collaborative Filtering

Recall: Notes on Item-Item Recommendations

  • recommendation based on last item: “If you are interested in this, you probably also like …”
  • doesn’t need a user model
  • Item model needed → How to model similarities between items?

Recall: Collaborative Filter


Content based Recommendation

  • we have more information about the film than just a number, we know the content of the film → how to find similar items based on item properties and/or meta data?

Possible solutions:

  • Compute distance between movies for example (e.g. calculate sequences) → possible with DL, but too expensive in most cases
  • use meta data → Categorization, actors/directors, year, …
  • use simpler measure → e.g. analyze movie poster

Recall: Benefits of DL

  • capacity of the learned mapping → tensor input/output, like pictures, videos, tables, …
DL tensor input/output mapping
  • End-to-End Learning → learn decision space and function in one optimization problem
End-to-End Learning

Different Approaches of using DL in Recommender Systems


  • instead of a SVD a non-linear operation to compress data
  • consists of two parts:
    • encoder → compresses data in a latent space
    • Decoder →
  • we measure the distances in the compressed space
  • we can add additional evaluations to our loss function based on previous ratings

Basic CNN Approach

  • Use CNNs for item (and user) content feature extraction
  • Examples:
    • Movie similarity by image similarity of posters
    • Clothing and fashion items, e.g. I like this kind heel, suggest me other shoes that have a similar heel
  • can directly combined with AE or SVD

RNN based Recommender Systems

  • Using RNNs for text feature extraction:
  1. User features: reviews and comments by a user → if somebody often insults, a negative rating doesn’t value much → if somebody only writes positive things, a negative rating has more impact
  2. Item features: text description and reviews of item
RNN for text feature extraction
  • s1, s2, … are words/sequences of the text

Hybrid Recommender Systems

Hybrid Recommender Systems

Combined Measurements:

  • Film poster
  • Text (Meta data)
  • User Ratings

Code Exercises

(Links to Github)

